DX Fanzine (nr.06) - July 1999

DX Fanzine brings together tips and news as contributed by individual DXers or ascertained from different sources. It is updated daily, otherwise as soon as we receive logs and news from any DXer around the world. We are interested in any change about frequencies, times, language-services, transmitters, programme-contents, phone and fax-numbers, electronic and postal address, station personnel. Emphasis is on broadcasting from Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean area.
NB: All times, days and dates are day/month GMT-UTC, unless otherwise stated.
Tips are entered in date order. Reception quality shorties: P = Poor, F = Fair, G = Good, E = Excellent. Other abbreviations: PIR = Pirate; CLA = Clandestine; NA = National Anthem; TK = Talk; MX = Music; NX = News.

Material from DX Fanzine may be redistributed, posted to any other location, published or used for broadcast, provided it be fully credited to DX Fanzine and the original and intermediate sources.
Please send your contributions to: tarantodx@hotmail.com

If you want to contact us by snail mail please write to our editor:
Antonio Napolitano, P.O. Box 1099, 74100 Taranto Centro, ITALY.
Phone +39(0)338.988.49.79. Fax: +39 (0)99.736.77.32

NB: ALL TIPS REFER TO JULY 1999 - LAST UPDATED: 2nd August, 1999 at 06.00

If you want to see DX Fanzine nr. 5 with the loggings of the previous month click here!

 Freq.  Day   UTC    ITU  Station, Language and Programme Details.             SIO DXer

11640   01 1629-1630 SEY FEBA, Mahé, VV: IS, ID.                                554 AN
 4950   01 1730-1734 IND AIR, Srinagar, EE: Time Checks, ID and NX.             353 AN         
 5060   01 2134-2140 UZB R. Tashkent, GG: IS, ID, NX. In // 5035 kHz.           454 AN
 4950   01 1946-1952 STP VOA, Pinheira Relay Station, EE: ID and songs.         544 AN
 4874.5 01 2058      INS RRI Sorong, BI: IS, NX. // 3344.8 (SIO 252), 3264.7    252 KV
                         (SIO 253), 3214.80 (SIO 252).
 6055   01 2059-2103 RWD R. Rwanda, FF/VV: ID, NA, Test tone and S/OFF.         333 AN
11955   01 2105-2112 ANG R. Nacional Angola, PP: Songs, At 2111 Time Announcem. 444 AN
 6050   01 2129-2134 NIG R. Nigeria, Ibadan, EE: TK, ID, Song. at 2133 S/OFF.   343 AN 
 6135.1 01 2143       B  R. Aparecida, PP: Salsa kind of MX, TK. // 5035 (253)  354 KV
11815   01 2153-2157  B  R. Brasil Central, PP: ID, PX on "Copa America Futbol" 433 AN
 4945   01 2155-2200  B  Emissora Rural, Pertolina, PP: "Ave Maria" prayer. ID. 353 KV
17675   01 2159-2201 NZL R. New Zealand, EE: ID, Time Pips, NX.                 333 AN
17680   01 2202-2226 CHL R. Voz Cristiana, SS: ID, Frequencies, Bible reading.  343 AN 
 4753.4 01 2206      INS RRI Ujung Pandang, BI: NX. At 2207 "Bagimu Negeri". In 353 KV
                         3325 (SIO 253), 3395.2 (SIO 252), 3976.1 (SIO 252) 
                         4766 (SIO 353), 4925 (SIO 353). 
 4925   01 2300-2305 INS RRI, Jambi, BI: IS, ID, NX.                            333 AN
 6111   02 0257      MOZ R. Nacional Maputo, PP: S/ON. In // 3210 (Poor)        P.  VM
 4914.9 02 1857      KEN KBC Nairobi, VV: African horn style MX with vernacular 433 KV
                         male songs. At 1902 man with salam a aleikhum
                         announcement. Ghana heard underneath.
 6049.9 02 1914-1920 NIG R. Nigeria Ibadan, EE: religious PX, Church songs, MX. 333 KV
                         At 1919 MX with talking drums, at 19.20 ID in VV.
 5985   02 1935      CNG R. Congo, Brazzaville, FF: Afropop MX, TK with several 333 KV
                         several mentions of Brazzaville, QRM DW on 5980 in RR.
 3905   02 1959-2006 INS RRI Merauke, BI: TK, IS, ID, NX. At 2004 bagimu negeri 343 KV
 4875   02 2325-2335 BOL R. La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, SS/Aymará: folklore from   333 MS
                         Bolivia, ID, QRGs, religious PX (presumed) in Aymará.
 4890.2 02 2350-0000 PRU R. Chota, SS: advertisement, IDs with echo effects.    222 MS
 6674   03 0000-0010 PRU R. Nueva Sensación, Huancabamba, SS: mensajes, ID:     343 MS
11815   03 0021       B  R. Brasil Central, Goiania, PP: Football Copa América  455 JB
                         via Radio Cristiana Perú vs Bolivia. //4985 (SIO 232).
 6674   03 0038-0057 PRU R. Super, Huancabamba, SS: "Futbol total".Copa América 222 JB
                         (Peru vs Bolivia). At 0049 "Gol peruanooo". ID at 0057 
 4819.2 03 0111          UNID(Ed Probably La Voz Evangelica), SS: TK on"Cristo" 222 JB 
 9705   03 0253      MEX R. México Internacional, SS: IDs, non stop romantic MX 343 JB
 9737.5 03 0300      PRG R. Nacional del Paraguay,SS: football.                 333 JB
 9704   03 1658-1702 ETH R. Ethiopia, Amharic: IS, Time Pips, TK (probably NX). 333 KV
 6985   03 1730-1758     UNID Somalia? - Horn of Africa style songs.The station
                         signed off abruptly without any announcement at 1758.
 3910   03 2134-     PIR R. Korak Int., DD/EE: folk MX, ID.                     333 BP
11470U  03 2139-     PIR SWRS, EE: ID, schedule, Address.                       232 BP
 5805   03 2146-     PIR R. Free London, EE:  pop-rock MX, ID.                  333 BP
 3925   03 2153-     PIR R. Spaceman (?), EE:  pop MX, ID(?).                   333 BP
 6797.7 03 2332      PRU R. Ondas, Nueva Cajamarca, SS: ID "Radio Ondas", not   242 JB
                         mentioned "del Rio Mayo" + MX.
 4991.8 03 2349      BOL R. Animas?, SS: TK, Andean MX with spanish male songs, 243 KR
                         At 0000, 0003, 0004 ID (presumed) as Radio Animas? TK.
 4754.8 04 0030-0100 PRU R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, SS: indication to a cultural   333 MS 
                         event in Ayacucho, Andean MX, IDs. S/OFF 0100. May
                         be a frequency change from 4748v.
 4995.6 04 0045-0047 PRU R. Andina, Huancayo, SS: clear mentions of "Andina".   233 KR 
 6155   04 0100-0110 BOL R. Fides, La Paz, SS: love songs, phone report, ID.    333 MS 
 5952.5 04 0110-0125 BOL R. Pio XII, Aymará or Quechua: radioplay, Andean MX.   322 MS
 5523   04 0117      PRU R Sudamerica, Cutervo, ID at 0117 and again at 0125.   252 KR
 5015   04 0138-0145 PRU Estacion Tarapoto, SS: mention of "Tarapoto", songs.   232 KR
 7245   04 0358      ANG R. Nacional, PP: S/ON with NA, ID (also in VV), Time   G.  VM
                         pips followed by a religious PX.
 6304   04 0610-     PIR R. Torenvalk, DD/EE: pop-folk MX, ID.                  333 BP
 5805   04 0621-     PIR R.Free London, EE: rock MX, ID.                        232 BP
11480   04 0626-     PIR R. Bandonica, DD/EE: Dutch songs, ID.                  433 BP
 6290   04 0634-         UNID - Mx ....                                         222 BP
11470U  04 0641-     PIR SWRS, EE: ID, schedule, Address.                       232 BP
12256   04 0648-     PIR Wrekin R. Int., EE: pop MX, ID.                        232 BP
11470.5 04 0756-0805 PIR Short Wave Relay S.ce, EE: IS, ID, Freqs. (USB mode)   353 AN
 7465   04 0809-0811 PIR Short Wave Relay S.ce, EE: IS, ID, Freqs. AM mode!     253 AN
11470U  04 1155-     PIR SWRS, EE: ID, schedule, Address.                       333 BP
 6205   04 1922      CLA R. Kudirat, EE: ID. In // 11560 kHz (SIO 554).         454 AN 
 7465   04 2011-     PIR SWRS, EE: ID, schedule, Address.                       333 BP
11800   05 1059-1105 ETH Voice of Peace via R. Ethiopia, EE: R. Ethiopia'IS and 353 AN
                         ID as "R. Ethiopia" and "Voice of Peace", followed by 
                         a PX in Somali which started with ID and Holy Quran.
11760   05 1459-1503 INS RRI, Jakarta, BI: IS, ID, NX.                          433 AN 
 7215   05 1629-1635 BHC R. Yugoslavia, via Bijeljina, GG: IS, ID, Freqs, NX.   544 AN
11734   05 1700-1703 TNZ Voice of Tanzania, Zanzibar, Swahili: Time Pips and NX 433 AN
                         from "Radio Tanzania Dar Es Salaam" (mentioned).      
 5993.5 05 1800      MLW Malawi Broadcasting Corp., EE: Time, ID, NX.           232 AN 
 4915   05 1806-1812 KEN KBC, Nairobi, Swahili: ID and NX by a male speaker.    343 AN
15244   05 1815-1823 ZAI R.TV Nationale Congolaise, FF: NX. At 1823 Afro Pop MX 232 AN
 6689   05 1850-1902     UNID, R.Somalia? - Somali?: TK, tentative ID as "Radio 343 AN 
                         Somalia" followed by Horn of Africa style MX, at 1855 
                         Holy Quran, at 18.57 MX, at 18.58 (presumed) NA, S/OFF 
 9615   05 2132-2149  B  R. Cultura, Sao Paulo, PP: tropical music, TK.         242 MV
 9680   06 1358-1401 PHI R. Veritas, EE: ID+freq, followed by a PX in Bengali.  354 AN 
 6690   06 1745-1834 SOM Presumed, R. Mogadishu, Somali/EE/AA: TK in Somali     353 KV
                         followed by NA, World NX in EE, Pop MX(Michael Jackson)
                         At 18.14 TK in Somali, NA, NX in AA, Arab MX. At 18.28
                         Horn of Africa style MX, announcement (with mention of
                         frequencies, "Somalia" and "Mogadishu"), NA, NX.
 6000   06 2307      SNG R. Singapore Int., CC: TK+Jingle in EE as "Capital R." 444 AN 
 7003.3 07 1020      PRU Presumed, La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, SS:    P.  PO
                         messages with chicha MX interspersed. (Heavy ute QRM).
 5678   07 1052      PRU R. Ilucán, Cutervo, SS: string of ads finishing with   P/F PO
                         ID before chicha MX. Very professional sounding 
                         despite slight over-modulation. 
 6675.4 08 1031      PRU R. Super Nueva Sensacion, SS: running messages though  F/G PO
                         some Volmet QRM at times.Noticed later with chicha MX.
 4576.2 08 1057      PRU R. Amistad, SS: ID, Freq. as 4575 kHz, Chicha MX.      P/F PO
12115   08 1400-1415 KAZ Kazak R., Kazak: NX with several mentions of Kazakstan 353 AN 
 9675   08 2131-2138  B  R. Cançao Nova, PP: ID, Time signal, religious PX.     444 AN
15195   08 2158-2203 GUM KTWR, BI: IS, ID, Instrum. MX, Address in Jakarta, TK. 444 AN      
 1584   08 2300       I  R. Studio X, Momigno, IT: ID "Radio Studio X, prima    333 AN
                         radio privata in AM", Non stop MX.
 4552.1 10 1030      BOL R.Difusora Tropico, Quechua: ID, Announc., Andean MX.  F/G PO
 4580.2 10 1057      PRU R. Uno, Chiclayo, SS: ID, Time-Pips, Chicha MX.        F.  PO 
 7465   10 1301-     PIR Andino Relay Service via SWRS, EE/SS: Mx, ID.          232 BP
11470U  10 1301-     PIR Andino Relay Service via SWRS, EE/SS: Mx, ID.          232 BP
15425   10 1400-1406 CLN R. Sri Lanka, EE: Time announcement, ID, Jazz MX.      333 AN
 9704   10 1459-1501 ETH R. Ethiopia, Amharic(?): IS, Time Signal, ID, TK (NX?) 333 AN
11905   10 1525-1534 CLN SLBC, Sinhala(?): Local songs. At 15.30 Time Pips, ID  444 AN
                         NA. S/Off at 15.34. 
 6990   10 1734-1802     UNID Somalia? - Horn of Africa style songs. At 1802    333 AN
                         S/OFF without any announcement. Probably a test.
 6991   10 1753-1800     UNID Somalia?Non stop African horn MX with choir songs 232 KR
 6690   10 1800      SOM R. Mogadishu, EE: Announcement, NA, ID, NX. In USB.    243 KR
 3210   10 1950      MOZ R. Mozambique, - Afropop MX // 6110.20 (SIO 222)       222 KR
 3306   10 1955-1810 ZWE ZBC Harare 2, VV: African songs, TK, IS.At 2000 NX, IS 232 KR
 3356   10 2015      BOT R. Botswana - Afropop MX with male songs. In // 4820.  353 KR
 4890   10 2025      PNG NBC Port Moresby, Pidgin/EE: TK, religious choir songs 243 KR
                         at 2029 Time check (630 AM), religious male songs.
 3344.8 10 2038      INS RRI Ternate-Islamic kind of MX local songs, At 2059 IS 242 KR
 3264.7 10 2055      INS RRI, Gorontalo, BI: MX, ID with mention of "Gorontalo" 243 KR 
 7465   10 2100-     PIR SWRS, EE: Pop mx, ID, Schedule.                        333 BP
 3910   10 2108-     PIR R.Korak Int., EE: Folk-pop mx, ID.                     333 BP
 6210   11 0710-     PIR R.Marabu, GG/EE: rock MX, ID.                          232 BP
 6237   11 0718-     PIR Unid-Rock mx ...                                       222 BP
 6237   11 0825-0905 PIR Unid, DD: pop MX, At  0900 news jingle 95.3.           353 AB
 6245   11 0826-0840 PIR R. Laguna, GG: ID.                                     243 AB
 6270   11 0830-0832 PIR R. Perfekt, GG: ID. In LSB.                            344 AB
 6288   11 0831-0833 PIR Unid, Non stop MX.                                     333 AB
 6284   11 0833-0845 PIR Farmers from Holland (tent), DD: MX, carrier only.     343 AB
 6200   11 0835-0845 PIR BBMS, EE: ID.                                          142 AB
 6210   11 0835-0845     Unid, EE: pop MX, TK.                                  243 AB
 6300   11 0838-0905 PIR Flux Radio, EE: MX jingle ID.                          343 AB
 6260   11 0846-0900 PIR Unid, EE: TK.                                          242 AB
 6284   11 0910-     PIR Farmers from Holland, DD: Dutch songs, TK.             232 BP
 7306U  11 0918-     PIR R.Europe, IT/EE: Mx, ID.                               333 BP
 6300   11 0929-     PIR Unid-Pop mx ....                                       232 BP
 7450   11 0945-0950 PIR Unid, EE: pop MX, announcement.                        242 AB
 7465   11 1114-     PIR V.of the South Dublin via SWRS, EE: Mx, ID, Schedule.  333 BP
11470U  11 1114-     PIR V.of the South Dublin via SWRS, EE: Mx, ID, Schedule.  232 BP
 4910   11 1730      IND AIR, Jaipur, EE: Time Pips, ID, NX.                    252 AN 
 6690   11 1759-1810 SOM R. Mogadishu, EE: ID, MX (NA?), World NX. At 1807 Song 343 AN 
15170   13 1400-1402 ARS BSKSA, Riyad, FF: ID, Schedule, PX Summary, Holy Quran 544 AN
 4950   13 2300      ANG R. Nacional de Angola, Luanda, PP: Time Pips, ID, NX.  343 AN
 8020   15 1527-1531     UNID Voice of Democratic Eritrea? - AA: Chants, ID     343 AN
                         unfortunately only partly copied and S/OFF at 1531.
 9165   15 1700      AZE R. Dada Gorgud, Baku, EE: IS, ID. Bad Modulation.      353 AN
 4885   15 1800-1812 KEN KBC, Nairobi, Swahili: NX. At 1805 ID as "KBC Nairobi" 343 AN
                         ID also at 18.11 followed by the fanfare. Local song.  
 4976   15 1901-1906 UGA R. Uganda, Kampala, EE: NX read by a male speaker.     354 AN                         
 3356   15 1910-1912 BOT R. Botswana, EE: ID, Time announcement, NX. In // 4820 232 AN 
15435   15 2032-2041 LYB Voice of Africa, Tripoli, EE: ID, NX. At 2240 in FF.   544 AN 
 7255   15 2100      NIG Voice of Nigeria, Lagos, VV: IS, Mention of "Nigeria"  433 AN  
 6280   17 0901-0915 PIR BBMS, EE: letters email.                               353 AB
 7465   17 1214-     PIR BCB R. via SWRS, EE: Mx, ID.                           333 BP
 5003.5 17 1847-1904 GNE R.Bata, VV/SS: TK in VV. At 1903 African song, Full ID 343 AN  
                         in SS. Tribal MX (African Drums) and S/OFF.
 3905   17 2110-     PIR R.Strike via SWRS, IT: Mx, info, ID.                   333 BP
 3926   17 2115-         Unid, GG: Mx ... TK                                    232 BP
11470U  17 2120-     PIR BCB R. via SWRS, EE: Mx, ID. In // 7465.               232 BP
 3910   17 2126-     PIR R.Korak Int.DD/EE: rock-folk MX, ID.                   433 BP
 1386   17 2202      IRN IRIB Ahwaz, Farsi: TK and MX, songs. In //15084.20 kHz 232 KV 
 1393.9 17 2218      TOG R.Diffusion Togolaise, Lomé, FF: TK. In // 5047 kHz.   152 KV 
 1566   17 2228      IND AIR, Nagpur, Hindi/EE: songs, TK, Time Pips. At 2230   233 KV
                         ID and NX in EE. Mixed with co-channel Iran.
 1566   17 2229      IRN IRIB, Bandar Abbas, Farsi: songs. In //1386,15084.20.  222 KV
 4925.8 17 2248      BOL R.San Miguel, Riberalta, SS: MX, TK, ID. Hetting Jambi 333 KV
 1475   17 2308      BEN ORTB Cotonou, - Afropop songs. // 7210.2 QRM UK 1476   222 KV
 7210.2 17 2309-2316 BEN ORTB Cotonou, FF: Afropop songs, TK with mention of    253 KV
                         Cotonou, final announcement, NA, and S/OFF at 2316.  
 4991.8 17 2340-2350 BOL Radio Animas, Chocaya, SS: Andean music, ID by man.    222 MS
 5015   17 2350-0000  B  R. Brasil Tropical, Cuiabá, PP: NX on Copa América, ID 333 MS 
  864   17 2359      ARM TWR Kamo, Tajik: IS and TK. Heard under Egypt.         222 KV
 4926   18 0005-0030 BOL R. San Miguel, Riberalta, SS: soccer information, ID.  333 MS
 1380   18 0100-0110 PRU Presumed, R. San Martín, Arequipa, SS: religious PX    XX1 MS
                         ("La palabra del Señor"), tentative ID.  
 6185   18 0110-0120 MEX R. Educación, SS/EE: Méxican love songs, ID in (SS/EE) 444 MS 
 6155   18 0120-0130 BOL R. Fides, SS: phone-in PX, Time ann, IDs, QRGs. //4845 353 MS
 6115.1 18 0130-0135 PRU R. Unión, Lima, SS: ID. Blocked at 0135 by a carrier.  454 MS
 6034.9 18 0140-0150 COL La Voz del Guaviare, SS: romantic songs.               333 MS
 5678   18 0200-0210 PRU R. Ilucan, Cutervo, SS: NX, phone report, Time ann, ID 343 MS
 5523.1 18 0210-0220 PRU R. Sudamérica, Cutervo, SS: huayño MX, Time ann, ID.   343 MS
 4799.8 18 0225-0233 GTM R. Buenas Nuevas, S.Sebastián, SS: QRGs, ID S/OFF 0233 343 MS
 4826.4 18 0235-0245 PRU R. Sicuani, SS: mensajes, huayño MX, Time ann., ID.    222 MS
 4750.1 18 0245-0302 PRU R. San Francisco Solano, Sondor, SS: huayño MX, Time   232 MS
                         announcements, IDs, NA. At 0302 S/OFF.
 6219   18 0610-     PIR Laser Hot Hits, EE: pop MX, TK                         232 BP
 7465   18 0621-     PIR R. Amazonia via SWRS, GG: Mx, ID, Address.             333 BP 
 5805   18 0629-     PIR R. Free London, EE: Mx, ID.                            232 BP
 7306U  18 0635-     PIR Con Frecuencia via Europe, EE/SS: DX PX, ID.           333 BP
 6275   18 0643-     PIR Unid - Mx. At 0849 religious mx(?)                     222 BP
 7480   18 0830-     PIR R. Benelux, GG: Mx, jingle PC, ID.                     333 BP
 7465   18 0841-     PIR R. USA via SWRS, EE: rock MX, ID.                      333 BP
 7480   18 0846-0950 PIR R. Benelux, GG: pop MX, Ann, ID.                       354 AB
 6261   18 0848-0905     Unid (Sunrise ??), GG: pop letters                     253 AB
 6289   18 0849-0850     Unid, mx off 45444 9
11470   18 0851-0925 PIR Short Wave Relay Service, EE: ID.                      454 AB
 7465   18 0906-0910     Unid, pop MX                                           142 AB
 4640   18 1040          UNID, Quechua or Aymara?: chicha MX and announcements  P.  PO
21860U  18 1145-     PIR R.Pasteur via SWRS, SS/EE: ID, Address. // 7465, 11470 253 AN
 4770   18 2056-2105 NIG R. Nigeria, Kaduna, EE: IS, Time Pips, ID, NX.         343 AN 
 7210   18 2149-2202 BEN ORTB, Cotonou, FF: Songs presented by a male DJ. At    444 AN
                         2200 Time ammouncement: "Les 2300 en Cotonou".
 3230.2 19 0948      PRU R. El Sol de los Andes, SS: messages, chicha MX later  P/F PO
 5760.1 21 1021      PRU Tentative, R Sorocucho, - chicha MX.                   P.  PO
 3339.9 21 1055      PRU R. Altura, SS: string of ads, PX preview and heavy     F.  PO
                         on the echo. Some hum noted on the audio. 
15160   21 1400-1404 ALG R.TV Algerienne, FF: Time Pips, Time Announcement, NX. 544 AN 
21500   22 1602      CHL R. Voz Cristiana, SS: ID, Frequencies.                 354 AN
 4800   22 1732      IND AIR, Hyderabad, EE: NX. In // 4910, 4950 kHz.          242 AN
 6900   22 1758-1759     UNID R. Holy Quran? - Quran recitals and S/OFF.        242 AN
 4460.8 23 1125      PRU R. Nor Andina - Andean tunes,noted weaker at 0404, too P.  PO
 4779.7 23 1138      GTM R.Cultura Coatan,SS: ID, mentions of Guatemala, Biblia P/F PO
 4935   23 1145      PRU R. Tropical, SS: string of Ads and station promo. Only F.  PO    
                         audible after the Brazilian fades out.
 5460.2 23 1158      PRU R. Bolivar, SS: Andean flutes. At 1200 ID and mensajes P/F PO
21765   23 1404-1410  ?  R. France Internationale, SS: World NX. At 1410 ID.    354 AN
 9575   23 1422-1432 MRC R.Mediterranée Internationale, FF: Song, At 1430 ID+NX 353 AN
 6955   24 0342      PRU R.Difusora Paraton, SS: full ID then at 0345 signed-   ??? PO
                         off abruptly in the middle of a chicha song... no NA
                         and quickly cut the carrier. 
 6969.2 24 0350          UNID, weak signal in RFPI slop with instrumental MX    P.  PO
                         similar to Horn of Africa style.
 7465   24 1550-     PIR R. Blandengue via SWRS, SS: Mambo MX, ID.              333 BP
15475   24 1734-1750 GAB R. Africa nr. 1, FF: Songs presented by a male DJ, ID. 354 AN  
15244   24 1816-1823 ZAI R.TV Nationale Congolaise, Kinshasa, FF: TK with       333 AN
                         mention of "Republique Democratique du Congo".
 6260   24 1900      PIR Spaceman R., DD: Dutch/English tunes, Annmts, Address. P/F PO
                         Farmers From Holland noted on 6284 at the same time.
 3240.1 24 1914      SWZ TWR, UNID language: Noted off-frequency with childrens P.  MV
                         choir, short announcement, IS and S/OFF. 
 4874.5 24 2055      INS RRI, Sorong, BI: Wajang type MX, At 2059 tk, SCI       242 AR
 4874.5 24 2103      INS RRI Sorong, BI: NX. At 2106 "Bagimu negeri", TK with   253 KV
                         mention of Sorong followed MX. // 3264.70 until 2106.
 3264.7 24 2104      INS RRI Gorontalo, BI: NX. In // 4874.50.                  253 KV
 3344.8 24 2105      INS RRI Ternate - Local pop MX. No // Gorontalo and Sorong 232 KV
 3910   24 2109-     PIR R. Korak Int., EE: Mx and ID.                          333 BP
 3930   24 2115-     PIR Laser Hot Hits, EE: rock MX, ID.  In // 6220           232 BP
 2310   24 2122-2129 AUS VL8A Alice Springs, EE: TK, country MX. At 2129 "ABC   332 KV
                         News" and S/OFF. // 2325 kHz (Tennant Greek - SIO 232)
 4910   24 2130      AUS VL8T Tennant Greek, EE: S/ON into "ABC news". At 2134  353 KV 
                         ID: "This is ABC news". // 4835 (Mali absent! SIO 253)                
 4471.9 24 2323-2346 BOL R. Movima; Santa Ana del Yacuma, SS: MX, Mention of    343 MV
                         Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and other places. Many IDs.   
 4649   24 2349-0006 BOL Tentative, R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma, SS:     P.  MV
                         Tentative mention of "...Yacuma...". At 0000 UTC
                         promo's or advertisements. 
11480   25 0007-0014 PIR R. AL International, EE: Pop MX. At 0011  ID, Adress.  444 AN
 6219   25 0650-     PIR Laser Hot Hits, EE: pop MX, TK.                        232 BP
 6284   25 0658-     PIR Farmers from Holland, EE/DD: Dutch songs, ID.          333 BP
 7465   25 0706-     PIR R.Strike via SWRS, EE/IT: Italian MX, ID               333 BP
 6199   25 0711-     PIR Ozone R., EE: rock MX, TK.                             232 BP
12256   25 0750-     PIR Wrekin R.Int., EE: pop MX, ID.                         333 BP
 9705   25 0800      NGR La Voix Du Sahel, Niamey, FF: ID. Very low modulation! 242 AN
 6240   25 0818-     PIR R.Perfekt/Dr.Tim, EE/GG: dance-country MX, ID. (PTT)   232 BP 
 9704.2 25 1454-1501 ETH R. Ethiopia, VV: Ethiopian Pop MX, IS, ID, Chime, TK.  242 MV
13630   25 1630-1637 UAE UAE R., EE: ID, Freqs., NX. // 21605, 13675, 15395 kHz 554 AN
 9550   25 1559-1603 BGD R. Bangla Desh, Unid language: IS, TK, Chants.         222 MV
13740   25 1607-1612 VTN Voice of Vietnam, EE: "Sunday Show". In 9730 kHz.      444 MV
15140   25 1614-1618 IND AIR, RR: IS, ID, TK with mention of Pakistan, Kashmir. 433 MV
 9525   25 1858-1903 SWZ TWR Swaziland, EE: IS and ID followed by a PX in VV.   544 AN         
 4820   25 1911-1916 BOT R. Botswana, VV/EE: TK, MX followed by ID and NX in EE 243 MV
 5985   25 2030-2039 CNG R. Congo, Brazzaville, FF: NX with mentions of Congo.  333 AN
11955   25 2100-2103 ANG R. Nacional, Luanda, PP: Time Pips, Time anmnt., NX.   343 AN
15820   25 2223-2232     UNID Argentina? SS: Two separate PXs, one on LSB and   243 MV
                         one on USB. Both suddenly off at 2232 UTC. 
15140   25 2238-2250 EQA HCJB, SS: Andean MX, short announcement, ID, promo.    444 MV
 4955   26 0357      CLM R.Difusora Nacional de Colombia, SS: IDs.              242 AN
 5025   26 0403-0409 CUB R. Rebelde, SS: slogan pro-revolucion on the occasion  343 AN
                         of "dia de la rebeldia nacional" (riot's day), Song.  
11605   27 1540      ISR R. Kol Israel, FF: ID, NX.                             554 AN
 5025   27 2134      AUS ABC, Katherine, EE: TK. //4835 (SIO 232)               232 AR
 6185   28 0120-0126 MEX R. Educacion, SS: World NX, including a report from    353 AN
                         USA which ended with these words: "Para Radio 
                         Educacion desde Washington....".
 4925   29 2150      INS RRI-Jambi, BI: Bird chirping (new IS?) 2158 marches+ID 343 AR
 4920   29 0415-0417 EQA R. Quito, SS: ID, address, TK on R.Quito's anniversary 354 AN
 5077   29 0418-0420 CLM Caracol,SS: Mention of Caracol + "Aqui canta Colombia" 344 AN 
 4850   30 2017-2039 CME CRTV, Yaoundé, FF/EE: TK with mention of "Cameroun"
                         "Yaoundé". At 2021 TK in EE, at 2026 again in FF.
 4820   30 2042-2052 BOT R. Botswana, VV: Pop MX presented by a male DJ. ID in  544 MV
                         with echo effect. In // 3356 kHz.
 3320   30 2001-2015 AFS R. Sonder Grense, Afrikaans: Easy instrumental MX, TK. 343 MV
 5026   30 2055-2100 UGA R.Uganda,VV: Reggae MX, TK, native MX.At 2059 NA+S/OFF 443 MV
 4925   30 2156-2201 INS RRI, Jambi, BI: Sound of a bird (local IS?), MX,       343 MV
                         Annmts, local ID. at 2159 RRI'IS and NX from Jakarta.                        
11640   31 1559-1614 SEY FEBA, Amharic?: IS followed by TK and songs.           544 AN
 9165   31 1701-1707 AZE R. Dada Gorgud, EE: ID, Annmt and MX, then NX.         454 AN
 4920   31 1732-1735 IND AIR, EE: NX. At 1735 in Hindi. In // 4800, 4910, 4920. 232 AN
 4965   31 1800-1804 ZMB R. Christian Voice, EE: Full ID, station promos, Song. 353 AN  
 6265   31 1806-1812 ZMB R. Zambia: EE: NX. At 18.12 TK in VV and native song.  433 AN 
 4702.2 31 2324      BOL R. Eco, San Borja, SS: TK, Latin american MX           242 AR 
 4855.6 31 2326      PRU R. La Hora, Cusco, SS: TK.                             242 AR
 4991.9 31 2330      BOL R. Animas, Animas, SS: western pop mx, TK over mx.     242 AR
 6520.3 31 2346      PRU R.Paucartambo,Cusco,Peruvian MX. Detoriating +/- 0000  242 AR


AB = Achim Brueckner, in Detmold (Germany). RX: NRD 525 GF ANT: ARA30, 20m LW.
AN = Antonello Napolitano in Taranto (Italy). RX: ICOM IC R70. ANT: inverted "V".
AR = Aart Rouw in Bühl (Germany). RX: AR 7030. ANT: 15m longwire.
BP = Bruno Pecolatto in Pont Canavese (TO - Italy). RX: Kenwood R5000. ANT: Yaesu 
     FRT7700 - 15m LW.
JB = Jordi Brunet, Vilanova i la Geltrú, (Catalunya, Spain), via Hard-Core-DX.  
     RX: Kenwood R-5000. ANT: inverted "V" dipole 15m.
KR = Karl van Rooy in Valkenswaard (Netherlands) via Hard-Core-DX mailing list. 
     RX: JRC NRD 535. ANT: 20m LW.
MS = Michael Schnitzer in Hassfurt (Germany) via Hard-Core-DX mailing list. 
     RX: JRC NRD-525. ANT: 25m LW and DX-One Professional 
MV = Mark Veldhuis, (Netherlands). RX: AOR AR 7030. ANT: 20 meter longwire.
PO = Paul Ormandy, in Oamaru (New Zealand). RX: ? ANT: ? 
VM = Mahendra Vaghjee (Mauritius). RX: ? ANT: ?


NETHERLANDS Haagstad Radio from Den Haag, a Hindo station, is now active on 1485 kHz. 
The transmitter power is 1 kw. (Ruud Vos via Hard-Core-DX).

PERU Radio Huanta 2000 has returned to 4747.5 after a stay on 4756v. The station was
noted in New Zealand with long string of ads in both Spanish and Quechua on 21st July, 
at 1000. (Paul Ormandy, Oamaru, New Zealand)

SOMALIA A number of unidentified stations, probably of Somali origin, are currently 
being heard here in Taranto (South of Italy) on the frequencies of 6689, 6980 and 6985 
kHz. To learn more about these operations we asked to Mahendra Vaghjee who lives on 
the Mauritius to investigate: Here are the results:
6689 [6690 v] Is Radio Mogadishu Voice of the People S.on at 15.00 with N.A then 
Recital of Koran followed by Talk on Religious and Islam 15.30 ID followed by Somali
Songs 18.00-18.15 (Usually it was 19.00-19.15) in English - Id as Radio Mogadishu - 
Voice of the people the Military Band tune (*) 18.15-18.30 Arabic then at 18.30-18.45 
Swahili  went off at 19.00 (usually it was 20.00) after Recital of Koran - and N.A.  
also went on at 04.00.
7060 R.Mogadishu - V.O.P in Swahili not the same programme as 6690 s.on at 16.00 with
     Military band tune and went off at 17.00 with the same tune (*) Same as 6690 kHz.
7071 Radio Hargeisa, 15.00-19.00 (Poor Reception).
6900 Radio Holy Koran, 16.00-18.00 (Good Reception for the moment).
6815 Radio Mogadishu - Voice of Pacification has moved to 6847 s.on at 16.30 and off
     at 19.00 (Poor).
I also heard 6985 but did not heard any ID. Probably R. Mogadishu Voice of the People 
before moved to 6690 kHz. (Mahendra Vaghjee).

SAINT HELENA Radio Saint Helena will once again use a "Cable and Wireless" transmitter
on the island 23rd October 1999. The programme will be aired on 11092.5 kHz, from 1900
to 24.00, on 23rd October 1999. (Andy Sennit via Media Network on Radio Netherlands) 

ZIMBABWE ZBC was noted on 3306 (presumably ex 5012 kHz) at 2030 on 24th July in New
Zealand. Poor-fair signal though I was quite surprised that it was still propagating at 
this time, being 1 hour after local sunrise. (Paul Ormandy in New Zealand)


NETHERLANDS During this summer period FRS Holland will be irregularly testing on 48,
26 and 19 meters during night from Saturdays to Sundays.(FRS Newsletter via Pecolatto)

After some problems with the old adress (P.O. Box 669, 7900 AR Hoogeveen) Union radio 
is now using the following: P.O. Box 663, 7900 AR, Hoogeveen, the Netherlands, which 
is the same for Alfa Lima International, Bandonica, Voice of the Netherlands, East 
Coast Holland. (Alfred operator of the station Alfa Lima International).

UNITED KINGDOM As from July 26th Caroline is on air on 1503 kHz. They expect to 
stay on the air continuosly for 28 days.The power is low and the signal is not
intended to go far, but with luck some people may hear it at distant locations.
The ship is based in Essex at Southend. (Peter Moore-R. Caroline via Pecolatto)


BOLIVIA Radio A.N.D.E.S., 4777.77 kHz, verified a reception report with a nice 
nice QSL letter and a post card after about 8 weeks. No return postage, but enclosed 
with the reception report there was a copy CD of The Buena Vista Social Club-Presents 
"Ibrahim Ferrer". V/s: Erwin Freddy Mamani, Reportero Radio Anos. (Ruud Vos via HCDX)

TUNISIA Radiodiffusion TV Tunisienne, 963 kHz verified with a detailed QSL Card
after 127 days. 2 IRCs. Address: Le Chef de Service du Controle de la Récepcion de 
l'Office National de la Télediffusion (O.N.T.) Cité Ennassim I - Bourjel - BP 399/1080
Tunis. Tel. 801 177, Fax: 781 927, E-mail: Ont.@ati.tn - V/s: Abdesselem Slim. (Enzio
Gehrig in Spain via Hard-Core-DX mailing list).
------------------------------ END OF DX FANZINE nr. 06 ------------------------------