DX Fanzine (nr.20) - September 2000

DX Fanzine brings together tips and news as contributed by individual DXers or ascertained from different sources. It is updated daily, otherwise as soon as we receive logs and news from any DXer around the world. We are interested in any change about frequencies, times, language-services, transmitters, programme-contents, phone and fax-numbers, electronic and postal address, station personnel. Emphasis is on broadcasting from Africa, the Middle East and the Mediterranean area.
NB: All times, days and dates are day/month GMT-UTC, unless otherwise stated.
Tips are entered in date order. Reception quality shorties: P = Poor, F = Fair, G = Good, E = Excellent. Other abbreviations: PIR = Pirate; CLA = Clandestine; NA = National Anthem; TK = Talk; MX = Music; NX = News.

Material from DX Fanzine may be redistributed, posted to any other location, published or used for broadcast, provided it be fully credited to DX Fanzine and the original and intermediate sources.
Please send your contributions to: tarantodx@hotmail.com

If you want to contact us by snail mail please write to our editor:
Antonio Napolitano, P.O. Box 1099, 74100 Taranto Centro, ITALY.
Phone +39(0)347.524.86.91. Fax: +39 (0)99.734.07.37

NB: ALL TIPS REFER TO SEPTEMBER 2000 - LAST UPDATED: 2nd October, at 13.00

If you want to see DX Fanzine nr. 19 with the loggings of the previous month click here!

 Freq.  Day   UTC    ITU  Station, Language and Programme Details.             SIO DXer

  603   01 0003-0008  E  RNE (Sevilla y Palencia)-SS: NX+ID. In the background  423 SM
                         another station fron Spain is audible but not Tunisia!
  639   01 0004-0008  E  RNE 1 (Zaragoza y La Coruña)-SS: MX and TK.            444 SM
  918   01 0010-0014 SLO R.Ljubljana (Slovenjia 1)-Italian MX.In the background 534 SM
                         traces of OCR R.Intercontinental Madrid are audible.     
  936   01 0014-0042  E  RNE 5 (Alicante)-SS: TK+MX. In the background African  444 SM
                         MX. May be R.Nigeria?
 1386   01 0045-0120 EGY ERTU R.Luxor-AA: Recitals and Chants by a Muezzin.     444 SM
 4925   01 2158-2210 INS RRI Jambi-BI: IS+NX+ID. 				433 SM
 5020.6 01 2210-2216     Voix du Sahel, Niamey-FF: NX+ID+MX. 			544 SM
 5047   01 2210-2218 TOG R.Togo, Lomé - Blues MX. 				544 SM
 4915   01 2218-2225  B  CBN Anhanguera-PP: NX.					343 SM
 1379.9 01 2340-2346  B  R.Continental, Recife-PP: TK-				232 SM
 7120   02 0845-0900 PIR R.Francis Drake-GG: AC/DC+ID.				354 AB
 6275.3 02 0859-0918 PIR Unid - Dutch nonstop MX. At 0918 S/OFF.		243 AB 
 6130   02 1054-1105 LAO Lao National R.-Laotian: TK+SE Asian Pop MX. Inst. MX  F.  DV
                         at top of the hour+TC+TK. More traditional SE Asian MX
                         at 1156 retune, 7 Big Ben type bells denoting  local 
                         time at 1159, and pres. ID with mention of Laos. 
 4925   02 1105      INS RRI Jambi-BI: Koran.TK at 1113 and into easy Indo Lagu G.  DV
 7120   02 1200-     PIR R.Waves Int., via IRRS-EE: Country MX+ID.              444 BP
 4890   02 1923-2001 PNG NBC Port Moresby-EE: IS? At 1951 inst. MX+at 1954 NA.  344 MV
                         Then short ann+ID+Jingles. At 1958 IDs+Freqs.+Ann.
 6219   02 2110-     PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: Rock MX and TK.                     222 BP
 3927   02 2114-     PIR R.Korak Int.-DD/EE: Dutch songs+ID.		        232 BP
 1636   02 2329-2340 PIR R.Barones-EE: ID.			                454 AB         
 3935   02 2348-2350 PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: Pop MX+Adv.+ID.                     243 AB
 6240.3 02 2358-0000 PIR UK R.International-EE: TK+ID.                          233 AB
 1470   03 0003-0055 PRU CPN R.,Lima-SS: TK+songs+sport.Hrd over a staion in SS 322 SM
 1630   03 0010-0038 ARG R.Buen Ayre (Red 92)-SS: TK on sport+Adv.+Jingle+TK.   333 SM
                         ARM from a Greek pirate station on 1632 kHz.
 1220   03 0022-0037  B  R.Globo, Rio de Janeiro-PP: Brazilian songs+TK+ID.     332 SM
 5020   03 0030-0230 CLM Caracol Quibdo-SS: Soccer commentary Colombia vs Chile 343 YG
 1379.9 03 0031-0034  B  R.Continental, Recife-PP: Brazilian MX+TK.	        232 SM
 1410   03 0032-0310  B  UNID R.São Gonzalo? Fraternitade Universal?-PP: MX+TK+ 212 SM
                         Jingles. Strong QRM from RNE on 1413 kHz.
 1636   03 0045-0052 PIR R.Barones-DD: Pop/rockabilly MX+TK+ID+Dutch folk MX.   443 SM
 1500   03 0145-0155 VEN R.Dos Mil, Cumana - Latin songs. Hrd in LSB mode.      222 SM
  930   03 0155-0202  B  Pres.R.Metropolitana, Fortaleza - Brazilian songs.     212 SM
 1390   03 0210-0216 VEN R.Fé y Alegria-SS: MX+Rlg TK.				222 SM
 1040   03 0215-0223  B  R.Capital, São Paulo-PP: Brazilian MX+TK.              222 SM
 1590   03 0225-0232 MEX Pres.R.Bonita AM-SS: TK. They faded out very soon.     222 SM
 6105   03 0555-0610 CTR R.Universidad, San Jose-SS: Ann+ID. S/OFF at 0610.     343 YG
 6283   03 0740-     PIR R.AL Int.-EE: MX+ID.                                   232 BP
 5805   03 0744-     PIR R.Free London-EE: MX and TK.                           232 BP
 7478   03 0754-     PIR R.Benelux-GG/EE: MX+ID. Bad modulation.                232 BP
15330   03 0830-0832 GUM KTWR-EE: Full ID+Rlg song and TK.                      354 AN
 6306.3 03 0838-0900 PIR R.Lisa-GG: ID.  			                454 AB
 6283.2 03 0839-0845 PIR R.AL International-EE: ID. 			        354 AB          
 7479   03 0856-0945 PIR R.Benelux-GG: ID.			                354 AB
 7306   03 0900-0905 PIR R.Europe-IT: PX: "Powerjam"+ID.		        253 AB
 6286   03 0928-0940 PIR R.Powerliner International-EE: ID:		        343 AB
 6306.3 03 1137-1145 PIR R.Bluestar-EE: ID.			                454 AB         
 6209.5 03 1450      PIR Unid-GG: Techno MX+TK.                                 G.  GD
 6306.3 03 1452      PIR R.Blue Star-EE: Country and polka MX+TK.               G.  GD
 4949.9 03 1823-1831 AGL R.Nacional de Angola-PP: ID+MX bridge+TK.              243 MV
 1377   03 2128-2143 CHN China National R.1-CC: TK+ID: "Zhonggou Yemin Guangbo  333 SM
                         Diantai..."+TK. Mixed with R.Free Africa and other 
                         signals. // 7935 kHz.  
 1377   03 2328-2329 TZA R.Free Africa-EE: Pop MX+ID/Jingle.			353 AN
 7125   03 2343-2354 GUI R.Guinée-FF: Afropop MX and TK. At 2352 ID.            343 AN
 3240   04 1803-1823 SWZ TWR Swaziland-Ndebele?: Radioplay?. At 1818 Cappella   243 MV
                         song.Nice signal at first but soon getting weaker 243.
 4880.8 05 0955-1013 PRU R.Comas-SS: S/ON with Inst. version of NA, canned S/ON ??? DV
                         Ann. at 0957+Short ID+MX bridge+OM over MX giving PX 
                         name "A Hora ?? ". OC as early as 0939. Low Modulation
15425   05 1405-1410 CEY R.Sri Lanka-EE: Ann+ID+Pop MX. VOA in the background.  444 AN
 9535   07 1357-1402 PHI R.Veritas Asia-EE/Bengali?: ID in EE. At 1559 S/ON in  322 AN
                         Bengali? with ID+MX bridge+TK. Splash from 9540.
 6219   08 2321      PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: MX and TK. 				323 MA
 6055   09 1011       J  UNID R.Tampa? - Continual classical piano MX with no   G.  MF
                         apparent breaks nor anns. NB: No parallels found.
 6306   09 1706      PIR Union R.-EE: ID+MX. 					212 MG
 6400   09 1716      PIR R.Stella Int.-EE: TK. 					121 MG
14565L  09 2100-2130 PIR Emisora Z del Dragon, via R.Blandengue-South America-  242 NE
                         SS/EE: ID+Address in Chile. LSB Mode.
14565L  09 2130-2215 PIR R.Sin Fronteras, via R.Blandengue-South America-SS: ID 242 NE
 5030   09 2145-2200 CHN China National R.1-CC: TK+Adv.+ID. // 7935, 1377 kHz.  322 SM
 1430   09 2205-2216 IRN IRIB Isfahan-Farsi: TK.				333 SM
14565L  09 2215-2302 PIR WFCC, via R.Blandengue-SS/EE: ID as "La Voz del Futu-  242 NE
                         ro"+Addr. in Germany. At 2302 S/OFF. 
 1550   09 2244-2305 ALG Al-Wataniyah as-Sarahwi al-Dimuqratyah-AA: TK+Short MX 323 SM
                         and TK. Formerly on 1540 kHz.
 1503   09 2242-2250 YUG R.Crne Gore, (Podgorica 1-Serbian: MX. At 2247 ID.     544 SM
 1566   09 2250-2305 YUG R.Jesenica, Smederevska Palanka - Non stop MX. In the  443 SM
                         background Kanal 3 (Russia) with TK and ID in RR.
 6210   10 0623      PIR R.Marabu-GG: TK. 					212 MG
 6239   10 0629      PIR UNID from UK-EE: TK.					212 MG
 7483   10 0742      PIR VO Netherland/East coast Holland-EE: ID.		444 MG 
 6246   10 0823      PIR R.Perkfet-GG: TK.					333 MG
 6398.9 10 0923      PIR R.Pacman-DD/GG: TK.                                    F/G GD
 6272.5 10 0926      PIR R.Cupido-EE: Pops+TK.                                  G.  GD
 6246   10 0927      PIR R.Perfekt-GG: Polkas+TK.                               G.  GD
 6210   10 0928      PIR R.Marabu-SS: EE: Songs in SS+Rock and roll.            G.  GD
 3905   10 1106-1120 PNG R.New Ireland (Ed.VV?): Local MX/Anns ending with men- ??? DV
                         tion of the news and R.New Ireland, long John Philip 
                         Sousa - like fanfare, into childrens chorus.  Mixing 
                         with Merauke (a little stronger). At 1115 W3PTC came                                            
                         on asking if the freq was clear and began calling W2DW  
  3905  10 1109      INS RRI Merauke-BI: NX ending with nice orchestral version P.  DV
                         of "Padamu Negeri" theme+ID+TKfor 2 minutes+Indo Pops.  
  3245  10 1110      PNG R.Gulf-These were NOT on 3205,3220,3235,3345,3325,3395 P.  DV
 5955   10 1225-1240 CLM Caracol Villavicencio-SS: Rlg PX. 			544 YG
 6280   10 1548      PIR R.Foxfire-EE: TK.					333 MG 
 6295   10 1600          Reflection Europe-EE: Rlg PX. 				212 MG
 7165   10 1700-1715 ETH R.Ethiopia-FF: IS+ID+Freq.+short TK+MX.                242 SM
 4976   10 1732-1736 UGA R.Uganda-EE: Man giving Addr.Phone ns and reading.     444 AN
 6909   10 1756      PIR R.Bluestar-(Ed: EE?): ID. 				545 MG
 7255   10 1801-1807 NIG VO Nigeria-FF: ID: "La Voix du Nigeria vous presente"  444 AN
                         then TK on a festival and tribal chants.
15160   10 1900-1903 ALG R.Algiers Int.-SS: S/ON with ID+Sked.+MX bridge+Ann.   554 AN
 5985   10 2001-2003 CGO R.Congo-FF: Ann. (Brazzaville mentioned)+NX+ID.        343 AN           
6230.9L 10 2045-2105  I  R.Speranza,Modena-IT: OM telling a fable+Folk MX. LSB. 322 SM
15195   10 2128-2131 GUM KTWR, Agana-BI: ID+Inst. MX+TK+Song.                   454 AN
 1377   10 2140-2145 TZA R.Free Africa-Swahili: Afro MX+ID and Ann.             343 AN
 5980   10 2250-2330 EQA R. Federacion, Sucua-Shuar:TK. S/OFF at 2330. NB; Re-  444 YG
                         activeted frequency.
15345   10 2320      ARG R.Nacional, via RAE-SS: Tangos+ID. // 6060 (SIO 232).  343 YG
15184.7 11 2053      GNE R.Africa-EE: Sermons interspersed with Rlg MX. Bells   G.  MF
                         and short hymn signaling the top of hour and the start 
                         of the "Cavalry Radio Hour" PX at 2100. Fair audio.
 7125   12 0100      IND AIR-(ed. HI?)- S/ON with IS+Ann+local MX.QRM from 7130 F.  HN
24170H  12 1044-1053 MGL VO Mongolia-EE:listener's letters+ID.Harmonic(2x12085) P.  MV
 4819.1 12 1000      HND Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa-SS: OM giving greetings to 2XX HN
                         listeners and inviting to phone.
21600   12 1400-1404 ARS BSKSA-FF: Time Pips+ID+Freqs+PX Summary+Quran recitals 444 AN
 7125   12 2110-2130 GUI Radio Nationale Conakry-FF: TK+ID: "Radio Nationale    434 SM
                         Conakry". At 2128 blocked by VOA.
 7720U  13 0230      ARG R.Continental, B.A.-SS: Soccer commentary Velez vs     4XX HN
                         Flamengo. // 8098L. Rechecked at 1127 relaying Conti-
                         nental with promo for "Encuesta Nacional Agropecuaria.
17750   13 0558-0602 AUS R.Australia-EE: IS. At 0600 TC+ID+NX:                  454 AN
 3335   14 2140-2148 TAI CBS R.Taipei Int.-CC: TK+ID+European MX.               323 SM
21740   15 2258-0000 AUS R.Australia-EE: Olympic coverage. At 0000 S/OFF. They  G.  LS
                         switched to 17580 (hrd after 0300) 21725 (inaudible).  
17580   16 0150-0250 CHN Pres. CPBS-CC: TK.					F.  LS
 1220   16 0215-0225  B  R.Globo, Rio de Janeiro-PP: TK on sport+Jingle+ID.     333 SM
 1040   16 0220-0233  B  R.Capital, São Paulo-PP: MX+ID+Jingle+MX.              333 SM
 5025   16 0235-0242 CUB R.Rebelde-SS: Soccer commentary and ID. 		333 SM
 5070   16 0242-0246 USA The Overcomer Ministries via WWCR, Nashville-EE: TK on 544 SM
			 religion and web sites. 
 6230.9 16 0244-0247  I  R.Speranza, Modena - Rlg Cgants and MX.		222 SM
 1410   16 0301-0305  B  Pres. R.América, São Paulo-PP: TK:			222 SM
 7120   16 0819-0830 PIR R.Wonderful-GG: ID.				        454 AB
 6206   16 0821-0830 PIR R.Galactica-GG: hotline ID.				354 AB
 7306U  16 0832-0840  I  R.Europe-IT: Jazz MX+ID. USB mode.                     354 AB
 3935   17 0029-0035 PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: ID. 		                243 AB
 3380   17 0247-0254 MLW Malawi BC- EE/Chichewa:  Already on with open carrier  G.  DV 
                         at 0234 tunev in.  Tone at 0245:35, then at 0247 start
                         of seagull/ocean surf IS+ID+NA+Sked. Weak Modulation. 
 9781.8 17 0259      YEM Republic of Yemen R.-AA: Bird IS+ID+NA, then ID+Sked?  E.  DV
 7306U  17 0754-0800  I  R.Europe-IT: PX "Powerjam" and ID. USB Mode. 		243 AB
 6220   17 0814      PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: TK. // 7454.7 kHz                   G.  GD
 6238.6 17 0823      PIR Laser Hot Hits, via JRR-EE: TK  NO // 6220 and 7454.7  G.  GD
 7455   17 0832-0845     Unid Laser Hot Hits??-EE: offshore radio story nonstop 243 AB
 7120   17 0904-0910 PIR R.Wonderful-GG: ID.                                    454 AB
 6200   17 0912-1020 PIR Union R.-EE: ID. 			                344 AB
 6270.0 17 0917      PIR R.S.I.-EE: Pops+TK.                                    P.  GD
 6199.6 17 0919      PIR Union R.-DD/EE: Oldies pops+TK.                        G.  GD
 6206   17 0920-0930 PIR R.Metropolis-GG: ID.                                   233 AB
 6239   17 0941-0950     Unid-EE: TK and country MX.                            243 AB
 5003.4 17 1845-1855 GNE R.Nacional Batá-VV: Afro MX+ID+NX. (mentions of Bata). 444 SM
 4860   17 1916-1922 IND AIR Delhi - MX (Very long song in HI).                 444 SM
 4930   17 1920-1927 RUS R.Mayak (relay R. Turkmen 2, Asgabat-RR: TK.           444 SM
 4950   17 1920-1930 STP VOA, via relay in Pinheira-EE: NX+ID.                  444 SM
 1430   17 1925-1931 IRN IRIB-Farsi: Anthem+TK (mention of Iran). QRM from RAI  323 SM  
 5003.4 17 2109-2130 GNE R.Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial/R. Malabo Bata-SS: TK  444 MV
                         economical problems. At 2129 "Radio Malabo" ID.
 5003.4 17 2158-2211 GUI R.Nacional Bata-SS: TK+SS Pop MX+IDs. At 2207 Freqs+   F.  DV
                         Gong+ Ann.At 2207-2211 NA, then S/OFF.Weak modulation.
 5985   17 2206-2223 CGO R.Congo Brazzaville-FF: Afro MX+Anns. At 2215 ID. QRM  333 MV
                         from adjecent channels and a co-channel station. Also 
                         heard very strong, S9+10, on September 18 at 2200 UTC. 
 6000   17 2331       B  R.Guiaba-PP: Canned TK at tune in with many mentions   F.  DV 
                         of Guiaba and Brasil. Fluttery with weak co-ch. QRM.  
 6135.1 17 2335       B  R.Aparecida - Brazilian Pop MX. //5035.28 and 9630.11  ??? DV
 4702.2 17 2346-0025 BOL R.Eco San Borja-SS:Lively LA Pops to live OM announcer P.  DV
                         at 2358 with TC, canned ID+TK. Into Romantico MX PX. 
 4845   18 0127-0132 GTM R.K'ekchi, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas-SS: ID+drama+MX 423 SM
 4885   18 0133-0138  B  R.Difusora Acreana, Rio Branco - Songs.                323 SM
 4960.1 18 0140-0145 DOM Pres. R.Villa La Sencilla, Santo Domingo-SS: TK. Best  212 SM 
                         in LSB. UTE QRM. 
 4985   18 0142-0146  B  R.Brasil Central, Goiânia-PP: TK on religion.          444 SM
 6184.9 18 0148-0155 MEX R.Educacion, Mexico City - Song "el caretero... la     544 SM 
 9737.3 18 0150-0156 PRG R.Nacional de Paraguay, Asuncion-SS: Songs and TK.     323 SM
 3374.9 18 0156-0203 AGL R.Nacional de Angola-PP: MX+TS+ID. Best in LSB.        323 SM
 1377   18 0203-0205 TZA R.Free Africa-EE: MX+TK(Tanzania mentioned)Best in USB 233 SM 
12085   18 1028-1032 MGL VO Mongolia-CC/EE: TK in CC till 1029. Then open       243 MV
                         carrer till shortly after 1030. Then IS+ID in Mongolian 
                         and EE+MX+Opening Ann in EE+schedule and PX preview. 
 4824.9 18 1130      GTM R.Mam-SS: TK by OM between songs with TC+ID.           F.  DV
 9535   18 1359-1402 PHI R.Veritas Asia-Bengali: S/ON with MX+ID+Freqs+MX+TK.   444 AN
 9355   18 1428-1431 GUM KSDA AWR ASia-EE: ID, then Rlg PX.                     333 AN
 7165.4 18 1750-1759 ETH R.Ethiopia-FF: TK+Soft/Pop MX. At 1757 Closing Ann+ID. 343 MV
                         Then a piece of 'electronic' music. Off at 1759.
 3375   18 2315-2345 PRU Tent. R.San Antonio, San Antonio de Padua-SS: Slow     232 MV
                         Peruvian MX+long monologues. Several tent. IDs heard.
 9505   19 2130-2200  B  R.Record, São Paulo-PP:interview with football players 132 DC
 1470   19 2318-2325 USA WLAM, via WZOU-EE: TK.                                 232 SM
 1650   19 2322-2325 USA Pres. WHKT, Jollif Road, VA-EE: TK.                    231 SM
 1385.9 19 2350-0027 GUI R.Rural, Labé-FF: MX (afro songs and Inst. MX)+TK.     433 SM
  783   20 2220-2250  E  COPE Miramar-EE: ID+ADv+PX on Olympics. In the back-   434 SM
                         ground MDR Leipzig, Syria and, perhaps Mauritania.
 4960.1 22 0105-0120 DOM R.Villa la Sencilla-SS:Caribbean MX+TC+Adv.Best in LSB 333 SM
 5030   22 0120-0125 CTR Gene Scott Network-EE: Jazz MX+Sermon.                 333 SM
10320U  22 0450-0501 ??? AFRTS-EE: MX+YK+AFN ID TX site is Hawai or Iceland?    151 DC
 6280   23 0825-0840 PIR Unid-EE: TK+Pop MX.                                    232 AB
 6306   23 1835-1900 PIR Unid UK based pirate-EE: TK hotline email.             333 AB
 6240   23 1836-1850 PIR R.Torenvalk-EE: ID.                                    454 AB
 6281   23 1837-1845 PIR R.Nova-EE: ID:                                         233 AB
 6210   23 2139-     PIR R.Nordsee Int.-GG: Mx (Beatles) and ID.                232 BP
 3906.7 23 2144-     PIR Level 48-EE/GG: Rock MX+Jingles+ID.                    232 BP
 6281   23 2151-     PIR R.Nova Int.-EE: Pop MX+E-mail+ID.                      232 BP
 6266.4 23 2341-2353 PIR UK R.-EE: ID.                                          233 AB
 6305   23 2342-2350 PIR R.Borderhunter-EE: ID.                                 454 AB
 3935   23 2348-2350 PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: ID. // 6220 kHz.                    253 AB
 6220   23 2350-2355 PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: ID. // 3935 kHz.                    333 AB
 5005   24 0010-0020 NPL R.Nepal-Nepali: ID+MX+TK.                              343 SM
 1220   24 0110-0115  B  R.Globo, Rio de Janeiro-PP: MX+Jingle+ID+TK.           322 SM
 1470   24 0130-0140 VEN R.Vibracion (R.Union Network)-SS: TK+ID.               222 SM
 1040   24 0150-0205  B  R.Capital-PP: Brazilian songs/Samba+TK+ID.             333 SM
  930   24 0205-0209  B  R.Metropolitana, Fortaleza - Brazilian MX.             322 SM
 4930   24 0338-0348     UNID-SS: rlg PX+MX.                                    444 DC
 6295   24 0725-     PIR R.AL Int.-EE: Soul MX+ID.                              333 BP
 6260   24 0733-     PIR R.Dr.Tim-GG: MX+ID.                                    232 BP
 6215   24 0741-     PIR R.Grenslander-EE: Dortmund box+Folk MX+ID.             232 BP
 6276   24 0746-     PIR Unid - Rock MX.                                        232 BP
 6215   24 0758-0759 PIR Unid - Pop MX+S/OFF.                                   243 AB 
 6307   24 0759-0810 PIR R.Brigitte-EE: ID.                                     243 AB
 6295   24 0759-0811 PIR R.Alpha Lima-EE: ID. At 0811 QSY to 15070 kHz.         454 AB
 6275   24 0759-0830 PIR R.Astoria-EE: ID via AL-address.                       333 AB
 6281   24 0800-     PIR R.Nova Int.-EE: MX+ID.                                 232 BP
 6200   24 0800-1000     Unid-EE: hotline pop.                                  333 AB
 6260   24 0815-0820 PIR Unid Dr.Tim ??-GG: Pop MX+Ann.                         232 AB
 6211   24 0817-0915 PIR R.Nordsee International-GG: ID+Offenburg-address.      333 AB
 6281   24 0828-0840 PIR R.Nova-EE: Oldie and TK.                               233 AB
 6266.8 24 0910-0915 PIR R.Lisa-GG: Address.                                    222 AB
 6285   24 0912-0915 PIR R.Pacman-EE: Pop MX+ID.                                243 AB
15100.8 24 1557-1605 PAK R.Pakistan-EE: IS+brief dead air+peppy inst. MX+ID+    F.  DV
                         fanfare. Even though it was slightly distorted, would 
                         have been a nice signal if not for slop QRM from 15105  
 5034.5 24 2200-2215 VTN R.Tai Tieng Noi-EE/Local Lang.: S/ON with short Ann.   343 Ms 
                         in EE ("You are listening to ...)+folklore chants. 
 3395.1 24 2215-2225 INS RRI Bandar Lampung-BI: discussion.                     232 Ms
 3976.1 24 2225-2235 INS RRI Pontianak-BI: Indonesian pop song+TS at 2230+NX.   232 Ms
 7960U  25 1605      ??? R.Mayak-RR:NX. Also hrd at 2045 on 3955 in USB mode.   F.  ZL
15295   25 1739-1900 MLY VO Malaysia-Ed: Malaysian?: NX. QRM from RFI on 15300  323 ZL
 7580   25 2100      KRE R.Pyongyang-Korean?: IS+Anthem+ID.                     232 ZL
 9755   26 1645      IRQ UNID R.Baghdad?-AA: NX? (many references to Iraq). At  F.  ZL
                         1755 they seem to S/OFF.
 7165.4 26 1701      ETH R.Ethiopia-FF: Freqs+MX+short comments, then again MX. F.  ZL
 9535   26 1808      AFS Pres.TWR-Amharic: TK. Hrd under China R.Int's RR S.ce. 322 ZL
 5020   26 1900-1904 NGR Voix du Sahel-FF: TC+ID+NX.                            433 AN  
 3300   27 0530-0540 GTM R.Cultural, Guatemala City-SS: rlg PX.                 343 Ms
 5054.6 27 0540-0550 CTR Faro del Caribe, San José-SS: Jingle+Time Ann.+ID+Song 443 Ms
 4960.3 27 0550-0556 DOM R.Villa, Santo Domingo-SS: Bachata MX+ID+NA+S/OFF.     343 Ms
 4819.2 27 0557-0605 HND La Voz Evangélica, Tegucigalpa-SS: Rlg PX.             443 Ms
 4876.7 27 1002-1022 BOL Pres.La Cruz del Sur-Aymara?: TK (mentions of Jesus,   F.  DV
                         esperanza+ 4 canned anns (1st one mentioned "Panorama 
                         de Bolivia" and nacional).Vocal song by girl, then TK.
 4760   28 1640-1646 SWA TWR-PP: gospel+songs. At 1644 IDs+Addr. in Luanda. At  332 ZL
                         1646 S/OFF.Ed: Hy Zac. They originate from SWA not AGL
 4960   28 1651      IND UNID AIR?-HI: TK+(theatre play+flute play at 1654). At 222 ZL
                         1658 closing Ann(hrd the word broadcast)+S/OFF at 1700
 4085   28 1734      CLA VO Iraqi Kurdistan (Ed: Kurdish?): IDs+NX.             443 ZL
 7306   30 0850-0855 PIR Unid-IT: Pop MX+Ann. Ed: That's R.Europe from Italy.   253 AB
 3935   30 2005-2015 PIR Laser Hot Hits-EE: ID.                                 243 AB
 9705.6 30 2200      NGR Voix du Sahel-FF: Pop MX+Phone calls from listeners+ID 343 EB
                         Unusual this freq.for the night. 5020 was silent.
 9504.6 30 2230-2300 PRU R.Tacna-SS: NX magazine+Jingle+Adv.+IDs Best in LSB.   222 MS
                         As far as I know R.Tacna was not active here since 
                         several years. It seems that they reactivated their
                         former 31m frequency.

AB = Achim Brueckner, in Detmold (Germany). RX: NRD 525 GF ANT: ARA30, 20m LW.
AN = Antonello Napolitano in Taranto (Italy). RX: ICOM IC R70. ANT: inverted "V".
BP = Bruno Pecolatto in Pont Canavese (TO - Italy). RX: Kenwood R5000. ANT: Yaesu 
     FRT7700 - 15m LW.
DC = Daniele Canonica, (Switzerland). RX: JRC 535. ANT: 30m LW and Wellbrook MLB.
DV = Dave Valko (USA). RX: ?. ANT: ?.
EB = Erich Bergmann, in Ansbach (Germany) via Hard-Core-DX. RX: ?. ANT: ?.
GD = Gaetano Domina, in Vieux Conde (France). RX: Kenwood R-5000 modified, Sony ICF-2001D.
     ANT: 50m LW, DSP+Looo, both made by Italian DXer Flavio Golzio+Active ferrite 
     (projected by Ezio Toffano), Tunnel Ant. connected with the Sony RX+T2FD.
HN = Horacio Nigro, in Montevideo (Uruguay). RX: YB400, Sony ICF SW 7600G. ANT: randomwire.
LS = Lee Silvi, in Mentor (Ohio-USA). RX: ?. ANT: ?
MF = Mark J. Fine (USA). RX: ?. ANT: ?
MG = Marco Givonetti, in Gaglianico (BI - Italy). RX: Kenwood R-1000, Sangean ATS 909. 
     ANT: 15m Longwire.
Ms = Michael Schnitzer in Hassfurt (Germany) via Hard-Core-DX. RX: JRC NRD-525. ANT: 25m 
     LW and DX-One Professional.
MS = Michael Schnitzer in Hassfurt (Germany). RX: JRC NRD-525. ANT: 25m LW and
     DX-One Professional.
MV = Mark Veldhuis (Netherlands). RX: Icom IC R 75, AOR AR 7030. ANT: 20m long wire and MLB.
NE = Nicolas Eramo (Argentina). RX: SONY ICF 2010, ICF 7600G. ANT: 20-mt 
     inverted V + MFJ Receiver Antenna tuner/Preamplifier 959B, Folder Dipole 
     Antenna with balun 32 mts.  
SM = Salvo Micciche', in Scicli (Italy). RX: Kenwood R-5000, Sangean ATS909.
     ANT: 60m LW + MLB+ FX AL IIId Loop made by Italian DXer Flavio Golzio.
YG = Yimber Gaviria in Cali (Colombia). RX: Sony ICF 7600G ANT: Telescopic. 
ZL = Zacharias Liangas in Retziki/Thessaloniki (Greece). RX: ICOM R75, Lowe HF150, Philips 
     2935, Yupi 7100. ANT: 16m hor.

------------------------------ END OF DX FANZINE nr. 20 ------------------------------